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I am sure that hypnosis is the most misunderstood / known subject in the world. In fact, the history of hypnosis is as old as humanity.

I am sure that hypnosis is the most misunderstood / known subject in the world. In fact, the history of hypnosis is as old as humanity.

The oldest written knowledge about hypnosis comes from Egypt pyramids in around BC 2500. Ancient knowledge tells as hypnosis used in the health field most in old times.

Ancient Greek Civilization had ‘Sleep Houses’ to cured mental disorders by hypnosis. The word ‘ Hypno’ means sleep in the Latin language. One of the reason hypnosis is mixed with sleeping most of the time. Being hypnotic state is the correct expression. Because it is a state of our brain that moves up and down all day long. Our brain emits electromagnetic waves that are easily measured by EEG appliances. When the brain is working between 7-14 Hertz this area is called ALFA of TRANCE state.

This state is a very special state for us. This is the door to our subconscious mind.

This state is a very normal state for us and a healthy person approximately 200 times goes and comes back from that state in a day. For example, when you just wake up you are there, or right before falling into sleep, you are also passing by that state. When driving, reading, watching tv kind of activities put you in that state easily. That is why you should be more careful what you are watching and also children are watching.

Thankfully, ancient humans discovered that miracle state centuries ago.


We all have unwanted habits, memories, traumas from the past, behaviors such as smoking cigarettes, anger control, fear of exams, can not sleep, pangs of love, regret, phobias, OCD, pulling hair, fear, …. it goes on.

These unwanted behaviors only can be changed in the subconscious mind and it is only possible under hypnosis. That is why hypnosis is the subject of behavior science in psychology because it easily changes behaviors.

Today’s high perception level and ancient knowledge are united and together gives us unlimited opportunities for a better life.

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