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It has been 25 years since The Mongan HypnoBirthing Method around the world. American Marie F. Mongan spent almost all her life for this miracle method.

It has been 25 years since The Mongan HypnoBirthing Method around the world. American Marie F. Mongan spent almost all her life for this miracle method.

When you say hypnobirthing, the first impression is you go to a hypnotist and have a couple of sessions and go to the birth and have a baby easily. İt does not work that way. You need to be trained gently. The Mongan HypnoBirthing Method is a train method. Having a baby is the most unique, sensitive, spiritual event in a woman’s life. Birthing is a holy event that needs to be celebrated. Birth touches the emotions, the spirit, and the psyche of all involved. Are mothers feel that way at labor? What if mothers have a fear?

What happens to our body when are afraid?

When the mother approaches labor with unresolved fear and stress, her body is already on the defensive and the stressor hormone catecholamine is triggered. Her body is sent the “fight, flight or freeze” response. It is believed that catecholamine is secreted in large amounts prior to and during labor.

Now, think a little bit about it, what can a woman do in labor in that situation?

Can she fight, flight or freeze?

Of course, she freezes. And everybody is waiting for labor from her. The most wonderful event in her life now becomes a painful, fearful, and horrible event.

When we look at mother nature we see animal mothers are giving birth easily but human mothers not. The Mongan HypnoBirthing Method come up after this question.

Parents get 2,5 hours long and 5 times classes. They together learn being fear-free, 3 breathing techniques, massage techniques, watching videos about that method seeing the normal, natural birth. They practice relaxation every day. This way they know what is normal and natural birth and when time is for labor parents are ready.

This knowledges are for a lifetime. The parents learn to live stress-free. Another benefıt of this method is family bonds stronger. Even the baby has a strong relationship with parents.

With this method, a newborn baby has not got any catecholamine true mother. Baby knows how and when to come to the world who is not get any obstacle. Baby is happy and as a growing up a healthy and happy person.

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